An alle jungen Reiter im Alter von 12-21 Jahre! Hier gibt es ein neues Angebot der Feif im Jugendbereich!
Für Deutschland stehen zwei Plätze (Warteliste möglich) für die Horse
Trekking Tour 2011 in Schweden vom 09.-12.08.2011 zur Verfügung. Alter:
12-21 Jahre. Die Details entnehmt Ihr bitte der Ausschreibung der Feif
im Anhang. Bewerbungen bis zum 29.05.2011 direkt an die
Bundesgeschäftsstelle, Bärbel Eckert
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Bärbel Eckert
22 years after the first successful youth horse trekking tour took place
in Denmark the tour is back in business again! Eva-Maria Gerlach wrote
the following about the first tour: "The first FEIF Youth horse trekking
took place in 1989 and started at the Danish border, Westcoast. It was
planned by the youth representative of FEIF at that time, Eva-Maria
Gerlach, with Paul Rask as the Danish organizer of the trail.
Participants from several member countries and accompanying adults rode
for a week through a part of Jotland. Destination was the European
Championships at Vilhelmsborg. It was a very successful event and we
learned a lot about Danish hospitality!" The FEIF Youth horse trekking
tour 2011 will take place right after the WC, in the southest part of
Sweden (about 30 km from Kristianstad) from August 9-12, 2011. The
riding tour aims for pleasure riders with horses (their own or rented)
and the ride is approximately 15-30 kilometres per day. The participants
sleep in the nature and will also be responsible for helping out with
cooking and keeping of the horses. During the ride in the southern part
of Sweden there will be a lot of opportunities to swim - with and/or
without the hoses, and you will most likely see a lot of wild animals
like deers, elks and birds. Participants shall be aged from 12-20 years,
the language of the tour is English. If you are interested please
contact the Youth Leader of your country for further details.